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Korean Green Tea

Korean Green tea is different to other green teas available and if you ever get the chance to try it, don’t pass it by. You will find that true Korean Green tea is high in antioxidants as it is very rich in epigallocatechin gallate and catechin polyphenols. Epigallocatechin gallate, also known as EGCG is an extremely powerful anti-oxidant as it can inhibit the growth of cancer cells and is believed may also destroy cancer cells without harming any of the healthy tissues.

There are four types of Green tea which are Korean. These are based primarily on when the leaves were picked; these are “U-jeon”, “Se-jal” “Jung-jak” and “Dae-jak”.

U-jeon green tea leaves are picked around the 21st of April, when quite small and young. The Se-jak tea leaves are a little larger in size as they are picked about fourteen days after that first harvest. The Jung-jak leaves are picked roughly a further fourteen days after the second harvest. All leaves picked after that are “Dae-jak” It is these Dae-jak leaves that are used primarily for tea bags.

Green, oolong, and black teas all come from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. What sets green tea apart is the way it is processed. Green tea leaves are steamed, which prevents the EGCG compound from being oxidized. By contrast, black and oolong tea leaves are made from fermented leaves, which results in the EGCG being converted into other compounds that are not nearly as effective in preventing and fighting various diseases.

Korean styled green tea is commonly very strong in flavour. Because of this, many will sip their tea slowly, allowing their mouth to really fill with the flavour. It is believed that there are four attributes to the tea which are respectfulness, peacefulness, quietness and purity. These qualities should always be present in the drinker of the tea.

There are many health benefits to drinking Korean green tea. The anti-oxidants are very powerful and can do a lot for your body. The following benefits have been reported:

• Reduced risk of cancer
• Prevent rheumatoid arthritis
• Lower cholesterol levels
• Prevent cardiovascular disease
• Reduced chances of infections
• Boost immune function

Green tea is a great way to bring a little Asian culture into your home. The health benefits will help you feel better and prevent disease; it is also a very relaxing drink and great for getting away from life’s daily stresses.

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