Shik-Hye A Korean rice drink
A very easy drink to make, the korean rice drink or Shik-Hye, is a sweet malty drink,that is very popular in korea. I love to drink this and so do my kids. 
I have used the following ingredients:
400g rice 2 litre of water 5 teabags of malt powder
 To make this drink you will need either a rice cooker or slow cooker. Begin by putting 400g (about 2 cups) of cooked rice in to the cooker and add the water, now add all 5 teabags of malt powder.
 Seal the slow cooker or rice cooker and keep warm for a minimum of 8 hours. Check regularly after 8 hours and when 2-3 grains of rice are floating on the water, it is ready to proceed.
 Pour into a saucepan and boil well for about 10 minutes, and remove the teabags and leave to cool. As with barley tea this rice drink can be enjoyed hot or cold, you can also add some sugar if you wish.
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